Texas Independence Day Celebration Dinner and Auction
The Houston Country Club - March 9th, 2001

Setup crew prepares for the auction

The Silent auction area is almost ready

Chris Gilbert's Outstanding Ex Award

Corbin Robertson, Jr's Outstanding Ex Award

HTE's 2001 Underwriters

Corby Robertson Jr and Darrell K Royal

The grand entryway celebrating #82 Corby Robertson Jr
and #25 Chris Gilbert of the 1968 Longhorn team

The Texas flag decorates the ceiling

The Grand Ballroom is decorated Texas style

Silent auction items

Silent auction items with HCC golf course in background

The ballroom is ready to go

Silent auction items - golf paintings

Silent auction items - autographed Texas balls

A decorated table is ready for guests

Silent auction items - autographed movie posters

Placards of the 1968 Texas win over OU

The Houston Country Club hosted our event

The Silver Spurs arrive

Here's Bevo!

HTE Webmaster & photographer David poses with Bevo

Incoming HTE President Steve Winter poses with Bevo

Arriving guests enjoy valet parking

Longhorn Alumni Band arrives

Bevo changes his pose and gets comfortable

Guests begin arriving for the 6:30pm start time

Texas Trio entertains in the silent auction area

Barbara and Corby Robertson pose with Bevo

Guests check-in and receive their nametags

Longhorn Alumni Band pose with Bevo

Event Chairs Vanessa Schulte & Lanette Varnadoe

Steve LaBar poses with Bevo

Darrell K Royal and Event Chair Jill Willard

Darrell K Royal, Stacie Henderson, and Scott Hilsher

Mark Walker, Nicole Willis, Steve Labar

Rick Harsch welcomes guests & introduces Steve Winter

Event Co-Chairs Vanessa and Jill are recognized

The evening entree was beef tenderloin

Incoming HTE President Steve Winter speaks

Cactus Pryor speaks

Video presentation on Corby Robertson Jr. & Chris Gilbert

Darrell K Royal speaks

Corby Robertson Jr. and Chris Gilbert
Outstanding Houston Texas Exes for 2001
awarded by HTE President Rick Harsch

Corby & Chris enjoying the moment

Honorees received Mack Brown autographed helmets

The awards were appreciated

Chris Gilbert speaks

Corby Robertson Jr. speaks

Sonny Sowell was the auctioneer

The live auction begins

Lanette ups the bidding on the current item

And I stop bidding . . . now

All sing
The Eyes of Texas

Jessica Benkovic & Chris Small of Extreme
provided the multimedia display