Friendswood Fourth of July Parade, 2003

Shriners always start the parade

Houston Texan Steve McKinney was grand marshal

Bonnie rode her bike with her kids

Alena follows mom

Lorna, Dad, and Donna at the usual spot at Castlewood

Democrats ride off to the Oklahoma border

FHS Football players ride to another 2-8 season . . .

. . . while the cheerleaders walk and perform

Parade favorite Steel Drum Band back again

Chabucca's Grille provides blatant advertising

My old pack 442 grows fat on their trailer

Put your kids into scouting with this group!

Friendswood High's hall monitor vehicle

Extra big sunglasses provide the bug screen

Here come the ponies!

David's "walk behind the ponies" days are over

Beauty queen is escored by 20 other corvettes

Great new addition of Vaqueros to the parade

Police car signals the end, happy fourth!

Time for some patriotic cheesecake