McKittrick Canyon Hike - July 3rd, 2004

Over to Jack's for breakfast

Little castle and cell towers above shops

Doug sees Kristen's brothers but Kristen not yet

Kristen's family gathers around after her surprise

Ready for the 8 mile hike through McKittrick Canyon

Last chance for running water and bathrooms

Doug makes sure I haven't snuck back to the car

Onward along the trail to Pratt Cabin

Red bark Madrone Tree

Over a mile to the cabin and two to the Grotto

A spring runs through the middle of the desert

The group successfully crosses the river

Keith and Rob pose on the other side

Madrone Tree peeling bark worthy of another pose

A second stream is crossed by the group

The trail leads to the Pratt Cabin

Shady cliff provides the perfect resting spot

I'm ready for a nap after reaching the Pratt Cabin

Sink and tub more useful when water is available

The group rests inside the surprisingly cool interior

The Pratt Cabin has a nice back porch

Snack break before the final mile trek to the Grotto

The Pratt Cabin shingles match the walls

All we now is a driveway and road for our garage

Trent poses with a tall cactus

Donna passes one on the trail to the Grotto

Walk near the cliffs for the nice shade

The group rests at the picnic area of the Grotto

Behold . . . the Grotto

The Playboy Mansion is nowhere near here

Intrepid hikers pose within the Grotto

Only a 100 yards away is the Winter Cabin

The trail ends here so it's back to home base

Back to the Grotto picnic area

Tall mountains on the trail back to the ranger station

A fourth stream is encountered on the way back

This one has small rainbow trout within

The shady stream is great place to take a break

Various mountains along the walk back . . .

. . . to the McKittrick Canyon Ranger Station

Donna says to stop photographing and start walking

Interesting blossoms on an evergreen bush

Donna and Doug stop at a dead tree picnic area

Hello flag and ranger station!   The hike is over!
Getting There Carlsbad Caverns McKittrick Canyon Guadalupe Peak Going Home