Monday, May 9th, 2005

Donna and David take their first nitrox dive today

We are excited about finishing our nitrox certification

Nicole switches Donna's computer to 34% oxygen

Alicia, Andre, Nancy and Stephen ride to the dive

Michelle will video the dive, the last trip for Brett

Angie & Wojeiech stay in the shade while Scott drives

Scott gives the dive description and profile

I'm doing my first nitrox dive!

Check out my tank as head for the water

Donna takes the big step with nitrox as well

Dive 4 - Airport Wall

Donna readies her gear offshore of the airport

The nitrox has left me feeling less fatigued

Dive 5 - Fisheries

The Fisheries was off the north side of Cayman Brac

Time to head back to Divi for a little lunch

Dive 6 - Angel Reef

Head to the bar after the afternoon dive

Donna enjoys a stingray draft

Declan, Kyle, Ashley, Jennifer, Nicole, & Wojeiech

David and Donna pose with the sunset on the water

go to tuesday