Saturday, May 14th, 2005

Remember why my head hurt thursday morning

The group gathers to head to the airport

Bags in the pickup, seven bodies in the van

Make sure your bags go with you on your ride

Cayman Brac Gerrard Smith (CYB) Airport

The 83,472nd car on the Cayman Islands?

Nice long bag check-in with Cayman Airways

Waiting at the Cayman Brac gate

We board our 737 bound for Grand Cayman

Yesterday's dive sites on the south side

We depart Cayman Brac's north side

We fly over Little Cayman on the turn around

We fly over Little Cayman's Bloody Bay Wall

Grand Cayman's stingray city down there somewhere

The airport roof was shingled while were on Brac

Two hours to kill and the Stringray keg is floated!

Time to do a little duty free shopping

$70 for 4.5L Dewers, $105 for 4.5L JW Black

Another Continental 737 for the ride home

Declan likes duty free shopping more than Brad

Brown Grand Cayman still recovering from Ivan

Nice shot of Grand Cayman's Seven Mile Beach

We fly over the tip of Cozumel with its lighthouse . . .

. . . and the Yucatan Peninsula on the way home