Prodigious Precipitation - September 18, 2014

Girls wait for their school bus in a light rain

Light rain gets a little heavier by late morning

Deluge falls for most of the afternoon

Tour the neighborhood after the rain stops at 3pm

Stalled car sits in the middle of the road

Older Sentra handles the flood water better than the new Altima

Sentra continues on and splashes a few high school students wading home

Intersection by the pool usually has the deepest water

And today is no exception!

Water continues to drain and more cars brave its declining depths

The pool may be closed but the water is quite accessible

Cross over to the pool side to get past this street

City of League City Streets and Drainage is on the scene!

The old median/new turning lane is now a pond

The safety cones make a good depth indicator

The greenspace is flooded, drowning all the mosquitos?

Drainage Department is at work in opposite the neighborhood pool

Round the corner and find the road drained 7 minutes later, nice job!

The Streets and Drainage group gets a gold star for this effort

Sorry California for hogging all your rain

Next day, the mushrooms come out

And then the turtles appear, Alex offers her some grass

She does not want to come out and say hi

Maybe we should leave her alone and then she'll come out?

Carmen, Becca, Erin and Alex watch the turtle from inside

I'm not coming out until you all go inside

Try to coax her out with some salad

I don't want any salad, I want freedom!

She spins around and makes her move

First duck into the fort and hide before the next move

Make sure the coast is clear and then break for the fence

She hides in the mushroom forest, then makes it to safety