Visiting Seguin, Texas - August 12th, 2017

If you like pecans, you are in the right place!

The south side of the courthouse has a fountain and Justice above the door

Central Park is just south of the courthouse and has a gazebo

A monument to the 1866-1887 Cattle Trail to Kansas lies before the fountain

The town is named for Juan Sequin (1806-1889), Hero of Texas Independence

Refurbished Hotel Park Plaza served as my Dad's dorm one year in the 1950's

Next, visit Texas Lutheran University, park at the Alumni Student Center

The Chapel of the Abiding Presence is just beyond the ASC

The recently cleared site of Emma Frey Hall, my mom's dorm for a year

Between the Chapel and Langner Hall is the Alumni Park

The Victory Bell was only item kept from the original Brenham campus

Site & cornerstone of Old Main (1912-1977), first building of the new campus

Alumni Park fountain among the Victory Bell and Old Main cornerstone

100th Anniversary of TLU in Seguin was celebrated in 2012

Beyond the Alumni Park is Langner Hall, the only building remaining that dad frequented during his school days in the mid 1950's

Wish to explore Langner Hall but locked this between semesters Saturday

Langner Hall was built in 1947, just broken in for students in the 1950's

Students have a 135° view out the lower windows & balconies above

Do enjoy the cool AC inside the Schuech Fine Arts Building on this 100° day

Drive over to Starcke Park and overlook the Guadalupe River

Golfers are wise to drive to the shade today, fairway or rough!

Concrete picnic table along the river side

View upstream toward the Saffold Dam & Power Plant Texas Grill

Climb back up the walking ramp to the river's edge & continue on

Looking back toward the walking ramp beyond another picnic table

Behold, the Saffold Dam and beyond a restaurant converted power plant

The water treatment plant on our side of Starcke Park

Three historical markers lie near the Saffold Dam view

Saffold owned the land first but Troell used the dam for his Grist Mill

The river is named for Our Lady of Guadalupe by De Leon in 1689

Troell provided Seguin's first water & electric utilities

The dammed river is great for paddling and has a marked 4 mile trail

If it is too hot to paddle, you can also just float along