Seabrook Brownie Camp - January 28th, 2018

Take Erin to meet her troop at a Seabrook Campsite for a 2 night stay

With plenty of beds, everyone gets an upper bunk

Likely a very noisy room the next two days with twelve girls

Come out early Sunday morning to check out a nearby park

Pine Gully Park attendant takes payment for using the fishing pier

This site has been used for recreation for a quite a long while

The Park was made official back in 1982

No payment today as the pier still needs repairs from Harvey

View of the shoreline and fine homes looking south toward Kemah

Looking north toward the amenities of Pine Gully Park

The Akokisas inhabited Pine Gully Park 1400 to 1900 years ago

Map detailing names and locations of all the Seabrook Pelicans statues

Walk to the north part of the park and look back south at more park amenities

The fishing pier still needing repairs from Harvey extends pretty far off the shoreline

In the distance, big cargo ships travel the Houston ship channel on the horizon

Drive back down to camp and make note that cookies help fund the site

Pretty drive to the buildings between the oak trees

Two buildings occupied over the weekend with Erin's troop within the left building

Angle around their building with the auditorium in the background

The girls spent the weekend building engineering projects

My old coffee cans enjoy a second life as a brownie project

The girls split into four groups to present their projects

Erin's group designed ocean pollution control devices

Erin & Ellie's long devices would operate deep into the ocean

Kaitlyn & Kamryn demonstrate their cardboard recycling plant

Emma, Kate, & Emilia, show how to reduce electricity usage

The girls make their presentations to parents happy their girls had fun

Camping and learning engineering was super fun this weekend!