Fwood Xmas Parade - December 14th, 2019

Find a spot on Main Street to view the Fwood Christmas Parade under the oak trees of the Friends Church

Give the girls $5 each to obtain a colorful lit device

As with all Fwood parades, the police car signals the start

Clear Brook's AJROTC brings forth the colors

Clear Lake's AJROTC follow behind all wearing lights

The students pass in front of the four story skyscraper in work

Creekside Intermediate's Leadership Development Corps are next

The lights march on toward Stevenson Park

Inflato Santa rides in a pickup bed watching a gingerbread house

A real estate company is a natural for the gingerbread house

Fwood Wranglerette take over the football players trailer in December

Night golfers have more than lighted ball tonight

GalCo Tax Assessor reminds all to send in your property taxes by EOY

Boy Scout troops are prepared for an easy ride to the park

Mobile Manger Scene spreads the true meaning of Christmas

Wisemen on camels try to keep up with baby Jesus

The camels stop for Erin to pet them but Erin is just not quick enough

So relaxing sitting by the Christmas tree and driving down Main Street

It is a very popular idea tonight!

A corvette with lighted santa heads on the wheels rolls by

Congressman Weber dances to the Christmas music on the drive

A festive Mustang rolls by with unidentified politicians

Judge Robinson will come carve your roast beast on Christmas morning

Justin West would like to be your Constable for GalCo Precinct 4

A great crowd watch the parade continue down Main toward the Park

Perfect paint jobs aren't as important when lit up at night

But the classic cars are still appreciated by parade viewers

Stand up and view both direction while we have a brief delay for the red light?

The Friends Church large parking lot always makes this area a popular spot to view the parade

Camp Gladiator has Santa roll by working his biceps with lighted curl bars

Dancers follow the Christmas music boom box

Shriners drive by in their little lighted cars

Get fit all year long to show your stuff on Main Street

Stop for a performance and note the emergency vehicles bringing Santa on the final firetruck

Nicely lit trailer of carolers pass by

The final round of emergency vehicles continue south toward Stevenson Park

No sirens are played during the Christmas Parade, only Christmas carols are broadcast

Rudolf the Red Nosed Texas Firetruck!

And here's Santa ducking to keep his hair out of the low hanging branches

Police cars signal the end of the parade and renewel of traffic

Erin, Evie and Alex can be seen wandering in the Friends Cemetery

Make the trek to Stevenson Park and hear best decoration awards

Train rides are available for the kids with a long line

The countdown to the tree lighting begin and then the fireworks

The girls get a refreshment of Kona Ice and load up the flavors

So freshing and double fun in the darkness

The city tree is lit and the fireworks commence

A rather fantastic display continues for over ten minutes

And they all seem to be launched from Rebecca and Jeff's house

A big crowd watches the display and loves it

Jeff and Rebecca did not come to the park so . . .

They do a fantastic job on the display with dad's help of course

The girls had a great time and are ready to make the trek back to the car

We missed the 4th of July Parade and party at the park but made up for it before the year ended, "God bless us, every one!"