Galveston's Pleasure Pier - March 16th, 2023

Our Spring Break Adventure Day begins with breakfast at Black Bear Diner

David & Erin are looking forward to plenty of fun, food & frolic today!

Donna enjoys a breakfast burger, Alex gets eggs benedict w/CF steak & grits

Erin gets the same but with hash browns, neither like english muffins

Pause on Harborside for giant windmill blades heading to the landfill

Pass the Battleship Texas in drydock across the channel from Pier 21

Park at 26th and Ave Q 1/2 for $10 and head across Seawall Blvd

We are here to check out the Pleasure Pier for as long as we hold out

Over ten rides to experience and plenty of midway games to try

Wait in line to purchase $28/ea or $100 for four All Day Riders family pack

View of the beach and the people enjoying it beyond the Seawall west of 25th Street

Our first ride is the Sea Dragon, like Astroworld's Looping Starship

Pass the Sky Shooter on our way to the ferris wheel at the far end

Get in the short line for the Galaxy Wheel

The Texas Star Flyer is not operating with the current high winds

Looking to the right of the Iron Shark, east of 25th Street, along Seawall Blvd is Murdoch's souvenir shop and the pink Hotel Galvez

The T-shaped fishing pier that was once part of the Flagship Hotel

We will have long distant views & strong breezes atop the Galaxy Wheel

Erin enjoys the view but not the movement to get there

And we begin our climb to the top . . .

Look toward the west and the San Luis Resort off into the distance

Looking down the length of the Pleasure Pier and the Iron Shark below

Zoom in to the east, beyond Murdoch's, to a cruise ship and the UTMB complex behind the Hotel Galvez

Erin is not amused by David's amusement

Take heart that the Battleship Texas is in view and will always keep us safe

T-section of the old Flagship Hotel pier now only used by seagulls

We just can't get enough of Erin's fondness for the gondola's center pole

Another westward beach view down Seawall Blvd and multiple white caps on a very windy day

Exit the Galaxy Wheel at the very back of the Pleasure Pier

Joint bathroom and beer sales models efficiency at its best

A stage in the shadow of the Galaxy Wheel is not in use today

Galaxy Wheel's official entrance with signage & safety instructions

Start working on the girls to ride the Iron Shark, . . . it is so fun!

See Erin, you look straight down, that is not scary at all!

No thank you!   Rather play some Midway games!   Let's try the softball toss

Must impact at the front of the bucket to hope for it to stay

Donna gives it a try but also adds to the Pier's bottom line

Donna says it is now or never so I go ahead & get in line for the Iron Shark

The girls hard pass on the Iron Shark and go for an ICEE instead

They relax near enough to watch my descent . . . into terror!

I text there will be at least a 30 min wait w/8 riders each & 4 min turnaround

So the girls wait in line for a ride themselves, at the Sky Shooter

The Iron Shark looks intimidating, just like the Texas Star Flyer above it

Erin & Alex are happy to fly around but much closer to the ground

I have a great angle on the 190° turnaround drop

I slowly work my way to the Iron Shark boarding area

The girls buckle up for a spin on the Sky Shooter

Might as well wait for dad spending the time riding ourselves

See where the Iron Shark car is moved away and buckled down for storms

Donna captures me entering the boarding station

The attendant looks for any singles to jump ahead

I step forward and find myself in Seat #5 on the back left side

We climb straight up and then come straight down, a great dynamic ride!

Very smooth w/no head trauma either for an enjoyable 20 second ride

Passby the Pirate's Plunge which currently is not in operation

A small footprint Bamboo Shoot, though in "hollowed out" logs

Pass on the Pier Pileup Bumper Cars on the right due to sinus headache

But do enter the line for the Rock n' Roll to the left

Similar to Astroworld's Whirling Dervish from over 40 years ago

We also agree to skip the Cyclone that goes in circles & makes much noise

Donna captures Erin and David finding car #5 to ride

Erin wants me inside but the attendant moves me to the outside

We are ready to hang loose on the Rock n' Roll ride!

Alex shows her no fear riding face

The ride goes forward a couple minutes and then goes backward the same

It is easy to release the handles with your legs bolted in

Will try one more ride before heading out for food

Another photo of the beach near the entrance of the Pleasure Pier

Will give the Gulf Glider Swing Carousel a shot at the entrance of the park

Will discover afterward that Bubba Gump has a 1.5 hour table wait

Donna captures us walking to our swings

Alex happy to go solo and be in an outside and more dynamic swing

Erin & David stay inside and will ride on the duplex

Alex having fun on the high circular swing set

Erin copes w/David's constant references to the Astroworld's Gunslinger

Walk around the ticket booth & then head across Seawall for food options

Fishtails also had a 1.5 hour wait so we find ourselves at Chik-fil-A

David checks out the Duck while holding a sheep

But also gets an action photo of the highjinx inside   (Only $49 for 4 combos)

Get to see a Galveston Trolley pass in front of the Duck, so much history!

Finish eating and head back inside, walk pass the Double Decker Carousel

Cool pirate ship fronting the Pirate's Plunge water ride

Continue on toward the Midway and a possible 2nd ride on the Iron Shark

The girls try their luck with the Ring Toss for a unicorn camel

This game is harder than the softball toss and multiple buckets win squat

Erin tries her basketball skills to win a prize

Making 40% of her shots during the past season could have won district

She makes 2 of 5 baskets and wins a small pink octopus prize!

The girls try Whac-a- Mole next, Donna joins in while David videos

Donna has a big advantage with her oil biz management skills

Donna's lightning fast problem solving helps her reach 150 first for the win

She lets Alex select a small turtle for her prize

Erin knows she can win the unicorn llama and gets another chance

But the unicorn llama will stay put as another bucket of rings fall short

The line for the Iron Shark is now 50ft out the entrance & 4X longer, hard pass

Head back to the end of the pier for another ride on the Galaxy Wheel

A great day despite being overcast, windy and kinda cool

Spring Break on the Pleasure Pier has been fun for kids and parents

The Battleship Texas is still beyond the Iron Shark and ship channel

There is plenty of traffic and white caps in the water on the windy, overcast spring break Thursday

Alex & David enjoy the sights and the breeze atop the Galaxy Wheel

Erin and Donna show off their wind blown hairdo's

The Midway games and Iron Shark are entertaining thousands of guests

But the Texas Star Flyer is grounded for being too windy today

Exit the Galaxy Wheel at the end of the pier and head toward more fun

Spot a pelican at the end of the old Flagship Hotel fishing pier

Would have needed a camera with a wrist strap to photo up top in the wind

Erin can't leave without a unicorn llama, but does so, yet again

She tries the Hang Time Ultimate Challenge, where 1:30 wins a Choice Prize

She drops after clearing just 30 seconds and wins a medium prize

Notice that the Pirate's Plunge is finally in operation and we get in line

This will be our last ride of the day as we will be freezing cold afterward

You board on the right, circle around behind & climb left to the initial drop

Circle under the Hang Time Champion who cheats using her legs

Dry riders leave the boarding area and set out toward rough seas

Cold water better suited for hot summer month, not an overcast March day

The line goes quickly as there are at five canoes to maintain movement

Get a better view of the final plunge as we climb the stairs

Also see the starting point that goes under the final drop

Another final plunge with the Pirate Ship now in view

No chance of staying dry in the water break splash zone

We finally reach the boarding area and have two more rides before us

Four canoes lineup up to exit and receive passengers

The fifth canoe splashes down to the left of us

We are next and our camera is packed in the boarding zone cubby area

Donna is perched outside and captures us on our initial plunge

We are already thoroughly soaked & still have the big plunge to go

We curl around to make the big climb up top for the final plunge

Already very chilly from no warming sun and overcast, windy conditions

Tallest rider forward, who takes the brunt, but has shoes high inside

And down we plunge into the waiting cold water below

The initial impact stays outside the canoe, but . . .

The rebound water comes rushing back, fills the canoe, and soaks us

The shock of the ice water dousing registers quickly

Hi Donna!   Wow!   We are really wet and really cold!

We will be walking very fast to the car upon exiting this ride!

Our front is absolutely soaked but our backs are only partially

Check it out!   We rode in car #5 for the final time today!

It was a very wise choice to wear jeans today, even now soaked

Stop for a photo before we exit on a fun and exciting Spring Break Thursday

We say goodbye to our first visit to the Pleasure Pier but plan to come again

Wait for the traffic light to change and waddle back to our car

Now chill out with a Blizzard at Dairy Queen on the outside patio

David gets a caramel brownie cupfection, Alex has a chocolate dipped cone

Head down Calder to PetSuites where Rio was boarded for the day

She had a great day as well sniffing butts and making new friends!