8th Grade Track - March 2023

Erin's 2nd track meet on March 1st at Clear Creek HS, hosted by Clear Creek & LCI and attended by Space Center, Westbrook & Bayside

Erin clears 4'4" for a personal best

She fails to clear 4'6" three times but still comes in 3rd place

I missed the triple jump: 2nd-Angie 29' 1.5", 5th-Caylee 26'10", and Erin 26'2"

Angie's 4th leg gives Creekside 3rd place in the 4x100M relay, 54:45

Erin, Nisha and Karmen move to their spots for the 800M run

Karmen will take 5th place with a 2:55 race

Erin takes 12th place with a 3:15 race, Nisha finishes later

She kicks it in to pass one runner on the straight away and improve her finish

Angie wins her heat in the 100M dash but comes in 3rd overall with a 13:65

7th graders ready to run the 4x400M relay, Erin & 8th graders are last

Creekside is in 5th of 6 teams when Erin readies to run her 3rd leg

She has the 2nd best time beaten by Auriana in the last leg

Erin earns 6pts for high jump and 4pts for 5th place in the 4x400M relay

3rd Track Meet at Home joint hosted by VLI, Erin will run the 4x400

Find Erin at the Triple Jump, as she already finished the High Jump at 4'0"

Now know where the long jump & triple jump happen;   Discus & Shot Put ??

Fellow triple jumpers Angie and Caylee watch Erin's 2nd attempt

Erin's 3rd attempt is the last for all the triple jumpers due to the high jump

She makes her personal best finally passing 27 feet (27'2")

Angie takes 1st with 31'8" and Caylee places 3rd with 30' 2.5", both Bests!

In the 4x100M relay, VLI has a dominating lead . . .

But Angie powers Creekside to a 2nd place finish with a 55.02

Erin & Karmen (left) ready for the 800M with Reese (center) with VLI

Reese's Cross Country and Soccer background propels her to 3rd place!

Erin only works out on the high jump & triple jump during the week

Karmen drops two places (VLI entries) to 7th place in the 800M with 2:56

Erin finishes about five places back with an approximate 3:16

In the 100M dash, Angie has two VLI runners to contend with

Angie comes in 3rd behind the two Victory Lakes entries with 13:53

In the 4x200M relay, Angie starts the 4th leg way back in 5th place

She propels Creekside to 3rd (1:59:88) behind VLI (1st) & Bayside (2nd)

Fall Dynasty pitcher Melody ready to run the 7th grade 400M race (1:24)

VLI has a monster lead in the 8th grade 4x400M relay and will easily win

Erin again has the 2nd best time running the 3rd leg

Auriana's 4th leg time gives Creekside a Xth place finish

VLI eeks out a win, Creekside could take 3rd w/a great Erin High Jump!

4th meet hosted by Bayside at Clear Falls HS with 6 total schools

Erin checks in at the Triple Jump, then heads to High Jump to compete

Erin will depart after the 800M for a Texas City Bombers softball game

The 3200M race starts as Erin prepares to make her 1st jump

Erin races toward the High Jump bar and mat

She easily clears 4'2" on the 1st attempt

She fails to clear 4'4" on three straight attempts and is eliminated

She ties for 4th place and earns 2.333 points for Creekside

She heads over to the Triple Jump and jumps with the 7th graders

I only record one jump as I volunteer to watch for 1st jump faults

Clear Falls measurements are stingier than Clear Springs measures

Erin finishes w/26'2", Caylee 3rd w/29'4.5" and Angie 2nd w/29'5"

Erin's final event tonight will be the 800M and then we will depart

She lines up with Nisha and Karmen in lane 6 to start the race

After one lap, Seabrook has the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places

Karmen will kick it in the final stretch for a 2:55 and 2nd place!

Erin will kick it in and come in 3rd from last or 15th place

Spring Break was not good for her 800M time despite being done for the night

Angie doesn't run the 100M and the 4x400M has a worse time w/o Erin

3-Day District Track Meet begins March 27th with Running Preliminaries

800M Dash runners line up and 7th Grade will go first

Baysides' G. Shepherd wins the 7th Grade 800M Heat with a 2:28

8th Grade 800M given directions by Gracie's dad Coach Shawn of CCHS

Karmen & Erin in Lane 4; Nisha and Reese in Lane 5

Reese's soccer background helps her make the 800M finals on Wednesday

Erin represents Creekside well but not well enough for Weds finals

McAdams' Faith does not make the 100M Hurdles finals & departs for softball

Angie is ready to sprint in Lane 3 for the 100M Dash

She takes an early lead in the first 40M . . .

And holds on to win her heat 13.387 over Victory Lakes with 13.520

The 4x200M relay has Aurianna handing off to Angie in the final leg

Angie starts off in last place but quickly makes ground

She continues to move up and helps Creekside take 6th place in the heat

Creekside makes Wednesday's finals with a 1:59:057

Softball pitcher Melody ready to run the 7th grade 400M Dash

She runs well but does not make Wednesday's finals

Final event for the evening is the 4x400M relay

Runners receive instructions from Coach Shawn of CCHS

Creekside is already in last place as Erin waits to run the 3rd leg

Auriana waits for Erin to complete her leg to run the anchor

Erin runs a 1:23 400M which is 2nd fasted on the team

Auriana shows why she is anchor with her fasted 400M time

Congrats on a personal best but the team did not make finals Wednesday

Monday winds down at Challenger Stadium but we'll be back tomorrow!

Girls do Field Events Tuesday as well as the 3200M on March 29th

Erin waits her turn at the Triple Jump

She takes a running start . . .

Makes two leaps and sails into the sand pit

CCISD doesn't post results so no idea how well anyone did

Angie and Caylee also compete in the Triple Jump

Angie makes her first jump . . .

And sails into the air after her third jump

She exceeds Erin's best jump but not sure how she or Caylee fairs

Angie does come in first place in District for the Long Jump

Reese runs the 3200M and comes in 3rd place, will get her medal tomorrow

Carol and Erin talk while waiting to enter for the High Jump

Two High Jump pits, 7th grade left and 8th grade right

The high jumping starts at an easy 3'10"

Erin easily makes 3"10 and 4'0" on the first try

It takes her three attempts to finally make 4'2"

Constant gun firing for the boys running the 100M Dash does not help

Erin tries her 3rd attempt for 4'4" she has made only once this season

She misses a 3rd time and her 8th grade track season comes to an end

CCISD District Track Meet concludes with the Girls running finals

Creekside 7th Grade 4x100M Relay comes in 1st place in the District!

Hayden from prior Softball teams comes in 2nd w/Bayside, McAdams in 3rd

Victory Lakes blows away the 8th Grade 4x100M Relay field

Angie and Creekside come in 6th behind McAdams 5th & Kranz 4th

Clear Creek comes in 2nd & Clear Lake 3rd in the 8th grade 4x100M Relay

Reese picks up her 3rd place medal for the 3200M completed yesterday

Bayside's Gabrielle S. dominates the 7th grade 800M run

Reese and the 8th grade girls wait for the 7th grade 800M to conclude

Reese will also run the 1600M but we will depart before it happens

Victory Lakes takes 1st place in the 8th grade 800M run

Reese comes in 6th, following Seabrook 5th and Kranz in 4th

VLI comes in 1st in the 800M, Westbrook 2nd and Clear Lake comes in 3rd

Angie lines up in Lane 5 for the Girls 100M Dash w/Sariah in Lane 1

Creekside's Chris Williams wins the 7th Grade Boys 100M Dash!

Victory Lakes' Kinley S. takes the lead with Angie in the pack

Angie's final kick bumps her out of the pack to take 2nd place

Victory Lakes takes 1st & 3rd w/Creekside taking 2nd in the 100M Dash

VLI's coach & Creekside's Coach Sijansky celebrate with their athletes

7th Grade 4x200M Relay is next and Bayside leads the pack

Bayside takes 1st, McAdams 2nd and Creekside takes 3rd

Hayden and Bayside take 1st in the 200M Relay!

8th Grade 200M Relay has VLI leading and Creekside in last place

Victory Lakes takes 1st place in the 4x200M Relay followed by Kranz

Clear Creek 3rd, McAdams 4th, Westbrook 5th, Bayside 6th . . .

Angie & Creekside come in 7th and Clear Lake comes in 8th

4x200M Relay winners receive their medals and pose for photos

7th Grade 400M Dash was dominated by the clear favorite

Bayside's Gabrielle S. takes 1st w/VLI in 2nd and Brookside in 3rd

Big upset in the 8th Grade 400M as Kranz takes 1st & 3rd & VLI 2nd

We leave & miss Creekside 7th Graders taking 3rd in the 4x400M Relay