Mark's Memorial - April 14th, 2023

A photo collection of Mark over the years . . .

Playing pool with the 13" B&W TV and Atari set behind

Blues Brothers for Halloween 1988

Louisiana wedding in 1997

David's groomsmen in 1998

Missouri @ Texas football game in 2000

Aimee and Mark's wedding in 2001

David's 40th birthday party in 2006

Mark's 40th birthday party in 2007

Matthew's 1st birthday party in 2008

Alex's 1st birthday party in 2009

Erin's 1st birthday in 2010

Scott's birthday in 2014

Lorna's funeral in 2017

Reception at Scott's home after Mark's funeral on April 14th

Family and friends gather for food and fellowship after the service

Killen's potato salad, green beens, pickles/peppers/onions & creamed corn

Bread & Banana Pudding, carrot cake, mac & cheese, baked beans & brisket

BBQ sauce, desserts, and blanco queso with brisket, mighty fine

Chairs and tables set up outside in the nice weather

Aimee & Robin sit with Matthew's scout leaders

Matthew sits with neighbors whom he'll rely more heavily on now

Mark had much friends and family who will miss him greatly now that he is gone

Matthew will miss him the most

Mark's & Lorna's ashes will be placed in the Hope Lutheran Columbarium

The chamber covers are marked and ready for installation April 15th

After a brief ceremony by Pastor Jon, Matthew places Mark's ashes inside

Pastor Jon places the marker name cover over Lorna's ashes

He then picks up Mark's vault cover to place it over the chamber

The brief ceremony concludes shortly afterward

Scott, Matthew, Robin and Aimee say a prayer for loved ones

Sunday morning, the three flower arrangements are still in place

Lorna and Mark will be visited by myself on a weekly Sunday basis

Take some flowers from the bouquet and liven up the kitchen at home

Mark just turned 56 years old only six weeks earlier

Mark's obituary posted on the Jeter Funeral Home website

I will miss you old friend!