9-11 Memorial Stair Climb - Sept. 16, 2023

Erin's troop arrives at 7:30am to assist the annual 911 Memorial Stair Climb

Erin & Kate slice two bags of oranges to hand out to thirsty firemen

The big American flag is attached to the ladder truck and put on display

The firemen at the World Trade Center rubble performed the same act

Name tags made and displayed of the 344 firefighters lost in the WTC

The names of all the firefighters lost are also on display for all to read

Leila joins Erin and Kate and the orange slice prep continues

Clear Falls HS choir sings the National Anthem as the program begins

Climb for a better angle as the ceremony continues

LC Mayor Nick Long speaks to the crowd on the remembrance of 9-11

A LC firefighter sings "Amazing Grace" as custom demands

Firefighters stage for NYC 911 chatter playback "The Tower is on Fire!"

The firefighters begin their climb to honor those lost in NYC on 9-11

The firefighters will climb the four story tower, up & down, 28 times

And Troop 265, now with Emma, hands out water & oranges to the climbers

The firefighters go up the inside and climb down the outside of the tower

Smaller crowd watches a smaller group of participants climb this year

Maybe due to the event happening after 9-11 instead of two days prior?

Circle around to see the authentic NYC firetruck donated to San Leon in 2008

Erin, Leila, Emma & Kate continue to offer water, orange slices & GS cookies

Plenty of hard to find chocolate covered raspberry cookies are in the mix

Our pace setting, leadoff fireman happily accepts a water on the way back up

The flag counter weight arrives, is installed, & great photos can now be taken

Just wait for a nice breeze to unfurl the big American flag . . . nice!

Ellen & Susan talk with scout grandparents on troop activities

Kate, Leila, Emma & Erin love to support the 9-11 climb

Authentic NYC firetruck that was at the WTC on 911 was donated to San Leon

They heard Hurricane Ike took out all of San Leon's firetrucks

Some lost firefighter name badges with familiar names of people I know

Erin will face Michael Judge's daughter Myla in softball tomorrow

Troop 265's supports their fourth 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb event

Scouts get their photo with the pace setting fireman once she has finished

Emila missed after supporting Clear Springs football in Huntsville last night

David was lucky to wear a green shirt and sneaks into the group photo

Grandparents pose with their girl scouts

David considers himself a "grand" parent, hopefully Erin does too

Finish with a view of the firefighters chalk marks each time they climbed

Never forget the sacrifice of the first responders on that sad day in 2001