Little Rock, Arkansas - September 14th, 2012

Visit the State Capitol Building of Arkansas in Little Rock

The Arkansas Capitol was built from 1899 to 1915

Built at the penitentiary so prisoners could do the work

Arkansas Flag at half staff in front of Capitol Ave.

Mike Beebe is the current Governor of Arkansas

Nice meeting room with fireplace & past governor painting

Beautiful architecture above the stairway

Head upstairs toward the House Chambers

House chambers are glassed off from the tourists

Back toward the center domed area where we find . . .

Look up at the dome from the second floor

33 year old Governor Bill Clinton's portrait

Climb up to the 3rd level and look down on the domed area

Senator Don finds his Chambers on the opposite side

Senate Chambers are a little more cozy than the House

Not gonna find Gov. Beebe at 4pm on a Friday afternoon!

Outboard motors on fish restaurant on Pres. Clinton Ave

Continue on to Juanita's World Famous mexican food

Reputed to be Bill Clinton's favorite Mexican Restaurant

Maybe it is for Juanita's good burritos

Or most likely, it's the nearest Mexican Restaurant to Clinton's Presidential Library just down the road

Park in front of the Clinton School of Public Service

Originally the 1899 Choctaw RR Passenger depot

Former Choctaw & Memphis RR bridge, now pedestrian

Closeup of the fountains at the library entrance

Clinton Presidential Park Bridge opened in July 2011

Half staff flags for assassinated US Ambassador to Libya

Pay $7 entry and get right to the Presidential Limo

Clinton was inspired by the Little Rock Nine

Nice, modern, two story presidential library

Inaugural Ball table settings - 2 forks, 4 wine glasses!

Presidential nicknack including the TV show puppet

Portrait of mom and five saxophones

Bike & Tour de France yellow jersey from Lance Armstrong

Another view of naturally lighted, spacious library

It's not a Presidential Library without an Oval Office!

Other side of the office, also facing the desk

Historic St. Louis Cardinals display - Dizzy Dean

Dean Brothers played the minors for Houston Buffalos

Brothers Paul "Daffy" & Jerome "Dizzy" Dean

Cardinals' 2011 World Series Trophy

View of Rock Island Bridge from inside the library

Try Brad's wide angle lens inside the library, nice view!

Walk across the former Rock Island Bridge

Nice view back toward Clinton's Presidential Library

Small island on left side within the Mississippi River

View past the park wetlands toward the I-30 overpass

Bill Clark Presidential Park Wetlands - Pretty

Continue across the Clinton Presidential Park Bridge

The bridge has both old and new features

View of I-30 bridge over the Mississippi River

Big drought isn't affecting the Mississippi River here?

One more photo of the Library before moving on

And a final extended photo of the 13 acres of restored Park Wetlands with the I-30 bridge behind it