Texas' State Capitol - June 23rd, 2018

Park on Colorado Street and approach the capitol from 12th Street

Spanish American War Monument 1898-1902

West side of the Texas State Capitol, the largest state capitol in the nation

The 7th largest building in the world when it was completed in 1988

The Texas Capitol is 14.64 feet taller the nation's Capitol in D.C

Italian Renaissance Revival building is made w/Texas Sunset Red Granite

The 6th tallest State Capitol Building at 311 feet

A February 1983 fire resulted in the restoration of the Capitol

Four-story underground extension to alleviate overcrowding began in 1990

Gun used in the TX Revolution & Civil War & was returned to TX in 1910

Six flags over Texas in round seals above the south Capitol entrance

The extensive Capitol restoration was completed in 1995

The 16 feet tall original Goddess of Liberty was made of zinc

She was replaced with a lighter/rust proof alumninum replica in 1986

Texas Cowboy Monument erected in 1925

The sculptor's tribute to the "rough and romantic riders of the range"

Texas African American History Memorial erected in 2016

With likenesses of Hendrick Arnold and Samuel McCullogh Jr.

Both Arnold & McCullogh fought for Texas Independence, served as spies for the Republic of Texas & received land for their service to Texas

View details on this fantastic memorial at the official website

Former slaves emerge from bondage to the Center State of Freedom

First blacks arrived in TX in 1528 & made up 13% of the population by 1792

Mexico banned bringing slaves into TX by anglo-Americans in 1830

Number of slaves increased from 5,000 to 182,566 between 1836-1860

Slaveholders fleeing the fighting brought 30K more slaves to TX during the war

Blacks w/o jobs could be jailed, their labor forced & used much like slaves

Sweatt v. Painter (1950) paved the way for equal access to education

Blacks continue to overcome obstacles & are an essential part of TX history

Memorial to volunteer firemen who've lost their lives fighting fires

The Confederate Soldiers Memorial w/CSA President Jefferson Davis center

The four other figures represent the Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery & Navy

The base includes a listing of Civil War (1861-1865) battles

Jefferson's podium lists the states that seceded from the US

The additions of the Black & Tejano History memorials nearby provide inclusion for groups who want to remove Confederate memorials

The monument was erected in 1903 by surviving comrades

Another fantastic addition to the Capitol grounds is the Tejano Monument

Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca first visited Texas in 1519

Tejanos rallied to support Mexican Independence from Spain in 1921

Tejanos served the Rep of TX in both houses of congress & the Texas Rangers

Many experienced injustice but others prospered w/the new political system

Tejanos fought bravely in WWII & won higher numbers of combat decorations

The nine bronze statues of Spanish/Mexican pioneers was erected in 2012

Two fountains on either side of the center green were added in 1905

The right one has a child pulling a fish out of a bag

Terry's Texas Rangers monument erected in 1907 by Pompeo Coppini

Two plaques on the west and east side of the monument

Also known as the 8th Texas Calvary that served 1861-1865

Looking south toward Congress Avenue with a cannon, Terry's Texas Rangers, another cannon and the Fireman's Memorial

Next is a monument to the heroes of the Alamo

Erected in 1891 w/a Texan holding a muzzle loader rifle atop

Thermopylae had her messenger of defeat, the Alamo had none

God and Texas, Victory or Death

Inscribed inside w/90 names of 189 defenders, many misspelled & omitted

Replica fountain installed in 1996 provides safe drinking water

Original well established in 1889 w/cast iron fountain in place in 1903

Hood's Texas Brigade Monument by Pompeo Coppini was erected in 1910

Inside the Capitol Dome from a prior visit in December 2003

View of Capitol grounds from way back in March 1989