Austin County Courthouse - May 10th, 2018

Visit the 1961 Austin County Courthouse in Bellville, TX

The courthouse in a traffic circle in the center of Bellville

The west side of the courthouse traffic circle

East side clock is correct, this west side clock is not

South side of Austin County's sixth courthouse

Austin County was founded by Stephen F Austin himself in 1824

Bell of the 5th courthouse that burned down April 5, 1960

Cornerstone, bell and brick base are all that remain of the 5th CC

The 1888 Courthouse was similar to the Lavaca & Wharton CCs

The McShane Bell rang for 72 years before its fall

6th Austin County Courthouse was erected in 1960

Judge Bryan & four county commissioners held court in 1961

City Hall is just a block away down Holland Street

The Bell brothers provided land for the town which soon beared their name

Across the street from City Hall is the 1896 County Jail

The Austin County Jail is now a museum only open 4 hours on Saturdays

Flower gargoyles appear on upper corners around the jail

The jail's romanesque revival style harmonized with the 1888 CC

Stone window arches stand out on the side of the jail

Joseph de la Baume helped form the Republic of Texas, died in 1834 at 103

The old building still functioned as a jail until 1982

The 5th and beloved Austin County Courthouse built in 1888