Bee County Courthouse - July 9th, 2018

Visit the 1912 Bee County Courthouse in Beeville

The 3rd Bee CC with the first two built in 1861 and 1879

The Goddess of Justice wears no blindfold & points out the time

Small memorial to all war veterans on one memorial

First courthouse with a carrier based aircraft on display

Grand portico w/projecting pediment entry, Corinthian columns & dentils

The Bee County Courthouse is a fine example of the classical revival style

County namesake was secretary of treasury, war & diplomat of Rep of Texas

Pomogranites grow along the Bee County Courthouse

First colonists to the area were massacred by the Commanches in 1836

Lion's holds the chain in its mouth that keeps the patio cover supported

East view of the courthouse from St. Mary's Street

Southeast corner of the courthouse from St. Mary & Houston Streets

Check out the Goddess of Justice's backside . . . nice

Southwest corner of courthouse square has a Blue Star Memorial

Hi-59 is a Blue Star Memorial Highway honoring those who served

West side view from Washington Street w/Justice facing north

Visit the A-4 Skyhawk "The Spirit of Beeville" in the northwest corner

The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk was a good and simple aircraft that entered service in 1956 and was used extensively during the Vietnam War

The USS Lexington based aircraft looks great in front of any courthouse

The golden Goddess of Justice viewed from the northwest

Step inside on a Monday to see the courthouse was refurbished in 2006

Head toward the ornate rotunda on the first floor

100 year old tile floor with capital B looks fantastic

Look up towards the dome through the 2nd & 3rd floors balconies

Step outside for a staight-on northside viewing of the Goddess of Liberty

She looks great, her refurbishment is weathering better than the clock face

Find the July 4, 1911 cornerstone behind the bushes before departing

Could have used a Coke after the tour, but alas