Bosque County Courthouse - March 14th, 2018

Visit the 1886 Bosque County Courthouse in Meridian, TX

The tall clock tower was restored in 2007 after being removed in 1935

View the south side of the courthouse from River Street

Memorial to the Meridian Study Club dated 1925

West side of courthouse viewed from Earth Street

North side of the courthouse viewed from Morgan Street

The original clock tower was removed in 1935 to strengthen roof

Architect and Builder listed on the east side cornerstone

Nelson fought indians, Cubans and yankees

The clock tower was brought back during the 2007 restoration

Bosque County's first elected officials listed from 1854

Memorial to Bosque County veterans of all wars

50 year time capsule only buried last year

Original cast-iron stairs made in Detroit, MI

Second floor courtroom looking back from the front

Now looking toward toward the judge & commissioner's desks