Brazoria County Courthouse - May 18th, 2017

Visit the 1940 Art Deco Brazoria County Courthouse in Angleton

The 2nd county courthouse in Angleton replaced the 1897 courthouse

The county seat was moved from Brazoria to Angleton in 1897

An 1839 and 1895 courthouse were built in Brazoria

1850 quote from the British Prime Minister carved into the stone

Metal panels depict Brazoria county industries over the front entrance

1835 quote from an English Judge carved into the stone

Walk around to the west side of the courthouse and find more carvings

Peach Point is south of Lake Jackson, Velasco is now part of Freeport

A soldiers memorial sits outside the 1979 Courthouse Annex

Two statues and Wall make up the main structure of the memorial

On the left are Brazoria County residents that died in the world wars

A memorial statue to Gold Star mothers is next in the top half circle

Two letters and the words to Taps memorialize the American Soldier

Sasser earned the MOH assisting wounded under heavy fire in Vietnam

Right of Sasser are those county residents who died in recent wars

A letter from a soldier who died fighting in Iraq

Abraham Lincoln's letter to the mother who lost 5 sons in the civil war

Gazebo honoring the Old 300 Club of Brazoria County

The Old 300 were the original colonists brought to Texas by S.F. Austin in 1824

The gazebo is the glass-less top of the old Brazos River lighthouse

Calder fought for TX independence & served as sheriff, judge & mayor

The first ship bringing immigrants and the first capitol where nearby

Cornerstone of the 1940 Brazoria County Courthouse

Masons always level the cornerstone of your most important buildings

The 4th County Courthouse for the county of Brazoria

Beyond the 1976 Annex is the 1897 County Courthouse, now musuem

The 3rd courthouse in the county and 1st in Angleton

The original 90ft clocktower center front was removed in 1927

Walk around to the north side of the courthouse

Head for the doors of the Brazoria County Historical Museum

Climb up to the second floor to see the courtrooms

Find a photo of the old lighthouse & 3rd Order Fresnel Lens upstairs

The light was used from 1897 to 1967 at the Brazos River entrance

The upstairs courthouse is now a conference room/banquet hall

The 4 county courthouses with current configuration at bottom

The current 1897 courthouse with original clock tower

Ascend the stairs and look down the long hallway of the ground floor

The cornerstone of the 1897 Brazoria County Courthouse

Originally in 1897 and refurbished (no tower) in 1927

The 1897 county commissioners are unreadable 120 years later

Turn the final corner to see the continuing refurbishment

Pay Stephen F. Austin a visit, over at Hwy 288 and FM 290

The 76ft statue watches over where Austin brought his first colony