Colorado Co. Courthouse - January 22nd, 2017

Visit the Colorado County Courthouse in Columbus, Texas

Circle the courthouse in clockwise direction starting on the south side

Approach the tower in the southwest corner of the courthouse square

It was built as a confederate memorial museum in 1883

It served as a water tower and firehouse until 1912

Now owned by the Daughters of the Confederacy, since 1926

View of the west side entrance on Milam Street

Circle around to the north side and its fire escape ladders

The northside has two covered entrances and the flag pole

Continue to the shady east side of the courthouse

Site of the projected Capitol of Austin's Colony in 1823

War Memorial to those from Colorado County who served in WWII

The County Courthouse cornerstone was laid in 1890

And was laid by the Masonic Caledonia Lodge #68

A grand ceremony was held for the laying of the cornerstone

A tornado destroyed the bell tower, replaced with a copper dome in 1909

The fountain once had running water but repairs were likely high

Looks like the fountain became a planter in 1986

Early Texas Rangers began in 1823 to ward off indian raids

The Tumlinsons arrived with the Old 300 & 16 served with the Texas Rangers

Peace Officer Memorial lists those who gave their life protecting Colorado Co.

William Menefee served the Republic of Texas and a state Rep. in the 1850's

Blue Star Highways date back to 1944 and honor those who serve

An old tree is preserved on the east side of the courthouse, on Travis Street

The tree has died but has not been cut down, a sign explains why

The tree sheltered jurors while the first courthouse was under construction

The tree witnessed the first court 180 years ago in the Republic of Texas

A beautiful day to visit Texas County Courthouses