Fayette Co. Courthouse - January 22nd, 2017

Visit the 1891 Fayette County Courthouse in La Grange, Texas

The 4th county courthouse replaced the 3rd built in 1855

A three story stone Romanesque Revival structure with clock tower

Exterior walls are made of blue sandstone from Muldoon, Texas

Trimmed w/red Pecos sandstone, burnet granite, & Belton white limestone

A gargoyle keeps watch over those entering the Travis Street entrance

The grand entrance is on the Washington Street (east) side

The clock and bell tower rises 100 feet above the ground

The cornerstone was laid in April, the building was operational in December

Fayette Co. Meridian, erected A.D. 1878

Fayette County War Memorial on the northern corner of the grounds

Dedicated to the citizens of Fayette Co. who served in the armed forces

The Veterans Memorial was dedicated on Veterans Day, 1987

Settled by members of the Old 300 and named for the Marquis de Lafayette

Memorial to the 36 who surrendered while riding to reinforce Col. Caldwell
at Salado Creek and were executed by the Mexican Army

The Battle of Salado Creek was a decisive engagement that repulsed
the final Mexican invasion of the Republic of Texas

The first meeting of the SPJST was held here on December 28, 1896

Still the oldest existing J. Riely Gordon Courthouse in Texas