Goliad County Courthouse - July 9th, 2018
Visit the 1894 Goliad County Courthouse in Goliad
The 4th courthouse built with priors in 1870, 1855 & 1847
It lost its clock tower in 1942 and got it back in 2003
The Masons laid the cornerstone on Texas Independence Day 1894
Huge tree with plenty of low hanging branches around it
Well no wonder, its the hanging tree whose presence provides deterrence
The hanging tree has only hung laundry since 1870
1902 tornado killed 114 and the courthouse served as the morgue
General Filasola signed the ratification of peace after his capture @ Goliad
Memorial to Goliad County soliders to died serving their country in WWI
View of east side of Courthouse from Market Street
The Regulators were a vigilante band of ranchers who ran off lawbreakers
South side view from Courthouse Square Street
South side windows are sealed up with cinder blocks, for the jail?
View of the courthouse west side from Commercial Street
Goliad County WWII Memorial . . . and no CSA memorial present
Manchola advocated Texas statehood, then fled due to anti-mexican sentiment
Drive past the Goliad High School drivers favorite tree