Hardin County Courthouse - August 5th, 2018

Visit the 1958 Hardin County Courthouse in Kountze, Texas

The tower of the 1905 courthouse has been reconstructed on the grounds

The handsome old building was knocked down in 1960

Recovered columns lift the reconstructed clock tower

The 1958 building is the 4th county courthouse for Hardin County

West side view of the courthouse from the parking lot at Dogwood Street

The enclosed area under the tower displays courthouse history

Centennial marker and flagpoles are located on the west side

Texas Independence Centennial Marker found at most courthouses

County named for 5 brothers who came to Texas in 1825

View of the courthouse from the southeast corner at Redwood & Dogwood

Model 1897 75mm field gun used extensively in WWI

Veterans memorial to those of Hardin County who served

Bragg moved to Galveston after the war to build the GC&SF RR

A favorite police dog who served in the 1990's

The 1905 Courthouse destroyed by non-historians (TXDOT)