Houston Co. Courthouse - November 29, 2019

Visit the 1939 Houston County Courthouse in Crocket, TX

The 5th County Courthouse replaced the 1883 courthouse

Stone Art Deco courthouse made in the Moderne style

South side of the courthouse viewed from Goliad Avenue

Continue to the east side, neither have a clock with correct time

East side from 5th Street has flags making it the main entrance

Zoom in on the 1930's art deco features of the courthouse

Houston County took advantage of PWA to gain a solid new courthouse

Nativity in front of the 12/25/2076 county time capsule

The 1939 County Judge got the new courthouse building approved

Circle around to the north side viewed from Houston Avenue (Hwy 21)

The north side has the courthouse's only working clock w/correct time

Continue back to the west side of the courthouse

View of the courthouse square/traffic circle from the northwest corner

Sam Houston authorized the formation of the county & gave it a great name!

The Crockett Hotel housed county offices in 1939 and burned in 1972