Johnson County Courthouse - March 14, 2018

Visit the 1913 Johnson County Courthouse in Cleburne, TX

Town named for a Confederate General many local veterans had served

The county's 6th courthouse has ornate geometric patterns across the top

In memory of those who offered their lives for their country in service

Ensign Crow died aboard the BB-46 Maryland during the Pearl Harbor attack

The Texas National Guard formed the 36th Division in February 1942

North side of the courthouse viewed from Henderson Street

Marker honoring the nation's bicentennial on July 4, 1976

Courthouse cornerstone laid on 1912 aby the Cleburne Lodge

Courthouse east side in the shadows viewed from Caddo Street

Stone from the 4th County Courthouse dated 1883

An impressive six story interior atrium topped by stained art glass dome

Johnson County - A.D. 1912 - is very impressive

Confederate soldiers memorial erected in December 1917

Courthouse south side viewed from Chambers Street

County named for Confederate Colonel from South Carolina

Texas Sesquicentennial Marker erected in 1986

City named for Confederate General who died at Franklyn, TN in 1864

Similar to Cooke County's Courthouse in Gainesville & designed on a basic breaux arts plan but modernized w/paririe style elements & sullivanesque details