Lampasas County Courthouse - July 27th, 2019

Visit the 1883 Lampasas County Courthouse in Lampasas, Texas

It is the third oldest Courthouse in Texas still functioning as one

The first courthouse was built when Texas Legislature created Lampasas County in 1856

Floods in 1936 and 1957 damaged this building

Texas Centennial County marker found at most Texas County Courthouses

Lamapasas County was formed from parts of Travis & Bell Counties

East side of the courthouse viewed from Pecan Street

The "true" corner stone has sunk in the ground some

Probably why most other cornerstones are a little higher up the wall

53% of the town voted for secession and 2 troops were sent to the war

Hanna Springs were a famous health spa and resort built by 1884

First Texas Bankers Association formed in Lampasas in 1885

Bandstand on the north side of the courthouse viewed from 3rd Street

The courthouse is a focal point for city and county activities

West side of the courthouse view from Live Oak Street

The 1878 Horrell-Higgens Feud was one of the worst in Texas history

The Horrell brothers killed 4 state police officers in 1873

The arched windows of Second Empire and Italianate styles

Waco architect Wesley Dodson and stone contractor T. Lovell & Company

Veterans memorial honoring all branches of the military

Veterans Memorial found on the east side, viewed from 4th Street

Daughters of the Republic first met in Lamapasas in 1892

The clock in the mansard roof was replaced in 1984 and is on display inside