Mills County Courthouse - July 27th, 2019

Arrive in Goldthwaite, Texas just in time to see the county courthouse

The 2nd Mills County Courthouse built in 1913 after the 1890 CCH burned

CSA national flag waves behind a civil war memorial

Nine Mills County soldiers lost in battle during the Civil War

View from the northwest corner at 4th and Parker Streets

Memorial listing the earliest settlers to Mills County

View of the west side of the courthouse from Parker Street

View from the southwest corner at Parker and 5th Streets

South side of the Classic Revival courthouse from 5th Street

The south is the only side without a central ornamental pediment

The Mills County Jail is in the SE corner of the courthouse square

The jail was the first structure built by the newly organized county

The Sheriff lived downstairs & the inmates were housed upstairs

The Jail was built in 1888 before the County Seat was even chosen

East side of the courthouse viewed from Fisher Street

Texas Centennial marker is found on the east side

County formed in 1887, named for a Republic of Texas District Judge

Cornerstone of the 1st Mills County Courthouse built in 1890

The first courthouse burned down in 1912

Cornerstone was put on display during the county's centennial, 1987

New County Courthouse cornerstone placed high up on the wall

Goldthwaite was the likely site for the county seat in 1888

Fantastic memorial to county veterans on eight stone tablets

Listing all county veterans and those KIA have a black star

Mills County is on the upper range of courthouse square monuments

The tablets have names listed on both the front & back

Mills County Courthouse with monuments displayed on the north side

Digging wells was dangerous business back in 1887

North side of the three-story courthouse with basement

Focus on the central, ornamental pediment and fluted, engaged columns

The Texas Flag waves under the ornamental pediment

And the CSA State Flag waves behind the County CSA Soldiers' memorial

Next time you visit, bring a camper and stay awhile