Nueces County Courthouse - March 15th, 2024

Visit the 1977 Nueces County Courthouse in Corpus Christi, TX

View of the southern entrance from Lipan Street

Cross over to view a historical marker while a man catches the bus

League of United Latin American Citizens organized in 1929

Site of the Mexican American school until all students integrated in 1968

11 story tower has undulating walls, parapets, & oval-shaped windows

Sheriffs office and County Jail are adjacent on the east side of the courthouse

Step inside the courthouse south entrance

Three story tall atrium leads to the various government offices

Statue of Col. Henry Lawrence Kinney who founded the city

Statue of King of Spain, could be Charles III (1759-1788)

Padre Jose Nicolas Balli (1777-1829) high-fives all who walk by

Karankawa indian would love to have anyone over for dinner

Back outside, the first Law is on display outside the courthouse

Walk around past the east side of the courthouse

And continue to the north where many monuments are on display

A Fallen Heroes Memorial lists the names of those who died in service

Port Police, Constable Dept., Firemen, Sheriff's Dept. & CC Policemen

The Memorial was dedicated in 2016

And funded by the Devary Durrill Foundation, who was killed by a DWI driver

The five memorialized departments are: Office of Sheriff established in 1846

CC Police established after the city's founding in 1852

The CC Firemen lost knew the dangers but a took a chance

CC Port Authority established the Port Police after the 9/11 attacks in 2001

CC Constables preserve integrity and justice in the civil process

Memorial to county citizen who died in service in Korea & Vietnam conflicts

Neo-Formalist Baroque adaptation built on top of the 1929 LULAC birthplace

3rd Nueces County Courthouse built in 1914 sits abandoned 10 blocks away

Walk clockwise from the north to the east side on N. Mesquite Street

Several attempts to refurbished the grand building have failed due to cost

But hope continues as deterioration mounts

Built with $250K 110 years ago, $50M is needed to refurbish it today

Neglected since 1977, the southern wing was refurbished in 2018

The historical building is protected from demolition until 2027