Robertson County Courthouse - Dec. 26, 2018
Visit the 1883 Robertson County Courthouse in Franklin, Texas
The 4th county courthouse and first built in Franklin
The county seat was moved, a 5th time, to Morgan, renamed Franklin, in 1879
The clocktower was removed and a flat roof installed in 1924
The remodeling saved the building from deteriorating for restoration
The old roof and clock tower was restored, completed in 2011
Two 1970's annexes were demolished but the 1880 jail has been restored
The west side annex was removed for a clear view of the 1882 Jail
Construction of the jail began in 1880
Second Empire stone courthouse restored to original configuration
Rear of the jail viewed from Morgan Street on the north side
New annex built on the north side built to resemble the 1882 courthouse
The new annex replaced the 1970's north annex
The new north annex was completed in 2011
Nice patio gardent built to hide an HVAC vent
View from the northeast corner of Morgan and Center streets
Southeast corner view from Center and Decherd Streets
Town was renamed when another Morgan already had a post office
Veterans memorial dedicated to all who served our country for freedom
View of the southern, main entrance with Christmas decorations
Flags at half staff for President George H. W. Bush
Restoration of the original 1882 roof was completed in 2014
Finally restored to its original configuration 130 years later
The Franklin Lions roar about their beautifully restored courthouse