Williamson County Courthouse - June 23, 2018

Visit the 1911 Williamson County Courthouse in Georgetown

The 5th CC made after the 1877 CC was deemed unsafe in 1909

Close in on the stately Beaux-Arts style two-story Ionic columns

1916 erected monument to the Williamson County soldiers in the CSA

County named for three-legged Willie who fought at San Jacinto

A fine classical revival structure with copper dome & Justice statue

Town named for George Washington Glasscock who fought for TX Independence, donated the land and organized the county

Extended porticos w/triple arched entrances with decorative pediments above

View from the SE corner at Main and 8th Streets

First successful prosecutions against the KKK happened here in 1924

Dan Moody's successful prosecution led him to be TX Governor in 1924 & 28

Memorial of beloved Williamson Co. Sheriff Matysek who served 1954-1974

Continue to the west side view in setting sunlight from Austin Avenue

Rivers' eloquence protected the helpless, his wit charmed all, 1806-54

Williamson County Courthouse cornerstone laid 1910, completed 1911

Circle around to the north side with fountain near the street

Presented in 1911 by Hermon Ensign's National Humane Alliance

Bench and Georgetown Courthouse photo op on the square's NE corner

Harry Gold, 1920-1996, AKA: Mr. Georgetown

1900 Masonic Lodge now serving cajun fare as Gumbo's North