The Bryan Grand Opening - June 12th, 2015

Over to Moody Ave and Avenue M for The Bryan's Grand Opening

Mariachi Band greets visitors to the new museum of the southwest

The Museum is in the renovated 1902 Galveston Orphans Home

The beverage tent is up and ready for thirsty visitors

The Mariachi's play as the guests arrive and the grand opening awaits

Invited guests sign in and then enjoy a snack or beverage

It is perfect to put a musuem in a historical building

The fountain adds an air of elegance

At the museum entrance is the Texas Historical Medallion to the Home

Guests gather around for the grand opening presentation

There were a few blue hairs in the crowd

Mr. Bryan cuts the ribbon and thrusts the ceremonial scissors skyward

Guests talk and enjoy beverages while waiting a chance to tour inside

Around the building, chairs are available to enjoy a concert performance

Boat sails provide shade over the side relaxation area

A statue to the care of the orphans is in the back corner

Back around and wait for tour group #3 to go inside

A lovely tour but no photography allowed inside

Pre-Columbus items, spanish missions, Mexican colonists to Independence

An excellent museum worth another visit again soon