A Visit to the Battleship Texas (BB35), March 26, 2001

Visit the Battleship Texas on a cool spring day

David wishes they could eat at the San Jacinto Inn

My first visit with a digital camera!

Scott is as excited as the day he enlisted!

Starboard side towards the bow

My Navy days are flooding back!

Scott and the stern guns

Quad guns provide overwatch for the Texian Camp

Straight on view of turrets #5 and #4

Head forward on the port side, turrets #4 and #5

USS Texas' bell is date stamped 1913

Former Monument Inn restaurant now abandoned

Port side view of crane & forward superstructure

40mm Quad Bofors Gun Mount

Walk past the open air Galley

Center turret #3, starboard side, facing stern

Starboard 5 inch guns

Refineries rest assured with the Texas on watch!

Capture turrets #1 and #2 from the ship's bow

Scott & David pose in front of turret #1

Forward battery aims at Santa Anna's encampment

Scott is ready to go check out the big guns

Inside turret #1 port side 14 inch gun

Powder bags on the starboard 14 inch gun

Turret #1 frontal battery direction finder

San Jacinto Monument from behind Turret #2

Climb the bridge & look down on the forward guns

Too bad these turrets weren't the Twin Sisters!

Former Monument Inn waiting for demolition!

Looking aft along the starboard side amidship

Crows nest is locked, too dangerous to climb?

Battleship Texas Visitor's Center & Texian Camp

Center turret #3 and crane facing aft

Head below deck, visit the Dentist office

No napping allowed!

Be careful during shore leave!

One of the ship's operating rooms

Officer's quarters . . . sorry, Scott

Scott heads down to the engine room

Walk the 3rd deck toward the engine room

Plenty of old & large equipment for steam power

Plenty of gauges for temperatures and pressures

100 year old equipment that powers a battleship

Propeller shaft heading out of ship

Darkened off-limits areas, illuminated by flash

Haven't cleaned these areas up yet

Turrets #5 and #4 from the stern

Aft Bofors guns aim toward the ship channel

David helps calibrate the quad Bofors gun

Say something nice about turret #5 !

Head toward the exit ramp before turret #3

The Mighty Battleship Texas is always worth a visit!

Sam Houston's twin sisters cannons

View from Texian Camp toward Santa Anna's Camp

Cemetery near Texian's encampment

View of the Texas from Cemetery

David's flagship and the flagship of Texas

View of the Texas straight on from the rise

Water level view of the Texas coming forth

San Jacinto Monument is still being refurbished

Beyond San Jacinto's flags, BB-35 stands sentry