USS Stewart (DE-238) - March 12th, 2019

Visit the Edsall-class destroyer escort, USS Stewart (DE–238) at Seawolf Park

The Stewart's propellers and two 3" guns from the USS Texas on display

Everyone is excited to visit a WWII museum ship!

View of the USS Cavalla (SS-244) from up top the USS Stewart

View of the two forward 3" guns

Look through the window of the closed off Pilot House

Circle around the front to view a mounted search light

Look down toward the stern beyond the single funnel

Location of removed triple torpedo tubes before four mounted 20mm guns

Twin 20mm guns mounted on starboard side behind the funnel

Twin 20mm guns mounted on port side behind the funnel

Head forward to tour inside the ship

Head inside and view the ships office beyond plexi-glass

The Radio Room has all the latest 1942 equipment

The Captain’s Cabin has its own attached bathroom

Another view of the pilot house, looking forward

Walk the hallway past the officer quarters

Named for Charles Stewart, longest serving captain of the USS Constitution

Not much entertainment available in the officers wardroom

The do have something interesting in the corner by the beds

An ice cream freezer that can cool 5 cartons of Blue Bell!

One of three Crew Berthing areas, nice and cozy!

Don't worry, they were worked hard until they were tired!

No paper plates or plastic wear in the 1940s

Galley prepared 3 meals a day for 200 sailors

Crew’s Head, or restroom, had plenty of sinks

30 second rinse, lather up w/water off and then a 30 second wash off

Toilet social distancing walls added 77 years early!

P L E A S E , use the restrooms outside the ship

Two depth charge tracks are located at the stern of the ship

Four "K" gun depth charge projectors on either side of the ship

MK-6 "K" Gun expanded depth charge patterns deployed against enemy subs

USS Cavalla (SS-244) off the port bow of the USS Stewart

Stern 3" gun points northwest toward the SS Selma

Dab our way under the starboard 20mm guns toward bow

The forward 3 inch gun has a hedgehog antisubmarine weapon launcher

The namesake animal roots through undergrowth in search of small creatures

There was no explosion unless a bomb struck a target

Pilot House with twin search lights above the two 3 inch guns

The 3 inch guns can fire a round every six seconds

Visitors investigate the compass between the two ships

The Compass lists the submarines lost during WWII

Exit the ship to the Texas' twin 3 inch guns

Head to the stern past the rear deck guns and depth charge racks

The USS Stewart, a fine ship, worthy of preserving and visiting!