Thursday, May 13th - Dive 3
DC-3 Wreck

Donna wears her own 1mm suit today, brrrrr

Andy goes searching for sunken aircraft

Donna getting reaclimated with her own dive gear

Andy gives the sign for Moose

Donna shows off her green eyes

Great shot of an sea anemone

The group approaches the sunken DC-3

Left wing of the DC-3

Left engine of the DC-3 with bent back propellers

Using the macroflash for the DC-3 cockpit

Another cockpit photo using the macroflash

Diver looks inside the DC-3 cockpit

Right wing of the DC-3 is not as well off

Evidence for a future criminal trial

Anonymous diver poses near the no trespassing sign

Diver who looks just like David near the sign

Andy hoists the tail of the aircraft up with one arm

The tail wheel lifts above the sea bed

Battered tail surface of the DC-3

Diver swims toward the front of the DC-3

Nice view of the right engine

One last shot inside the cockpit
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