W E D N E S D A Y ,     F E B R U A R Y     1 9 T H

Donna waits for our ride to the rent car

Our hotel's colorful sign

The road to Hell is actually paved with asphalt

David strikes a familiar pose

Hell if I know

They had a hellacious gift shop

The prices leave you weeping and gnashing your teeth

The best damned tourist spot ever!

Come Hell or High Water . . . no diving today!

Why a trip to the Caymans beats out Bonaire!

The massive, high production brewery

Clean bottles get processed for pouring

Bottles filled 4 at a time, plus free samples

Beach near the town of Savannah

Our Cayman Islands SUV, a Suzuki Alto

Donna explores the same beach

Talk about your Kodak moments

Down to the blow hole

Donna checks out the beach

She moves fast!

Here comes a wave!

f l o o o o s h

David now knows where to stand

Have you driven a Suzuki lately?

Wreck of the Ten Sails on the east end

Propeller from a later wreck

Pathway to the official monument

The Queen herself visited this spot in 1994

Nice view down the beach

More to see than just the monument

Vine that suffocates the plants beneath it

Drove on to North Side to get lunch

Donna loves to scout the beaches

Another undeniable photo op

Start out with beef soup

and finish with steamed wahoo, rice & beans

When will that camera battery die?

A view so fine, I photographed it 3 times

The only way to make the view finer

We had good eats at Over the Edge Cafe

We complete the journey at Rum Point

The road ends so you gotta start wading to continue

Back in George Town, pirates storm a cruise boat

Oh what a feeling!

Steering wheel on the right side

First time sun not covered by clouds

Our last Grand Cayman sunset

Enjoy it . . .

. . . as long as you can

David savors the last bit of sunshine

Sun is down.   Let's go eat!

60 minutes of walking later, my feet hurt

The Crows Nest serves up a sweet stuffed Lobster

David goes with the blackened Mako shark

see thursday's photos