Saturday, March 11th

The beach in front of the Divi Tiara Resort

The Divi Tiara Resort

Donna styles in the latest divewear.

The whole crew enthusiastically poses!

Morning dives at East Chute, 80ft
Radar Reef, 30ft for 1 hour

Diving's done. Hello cigars and cocktails!

Which way to the cheap beer?

The artist and his work. (2nd from top on the left)

Evening Buffet:

Ham, Shrimp, Chicken & Dumplings

Sunday, March 12th

Flight back to Grand Cayman on Canadian Airline
Up at 4:15am.
7:20am flight to Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman to Houston flight canceled.
Must hurry to Miami flight instead
Miss out on duty free liquor
Arrive in Miami at 11am.
Depart for IAH at 1:45pm
Eat at My Amigos on way home
Home at 5:30pm
start over at wednesday