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Costa Rica Scuba Trip Links
Water Conditions: Water temperatures average 78 to 80 degrees, but can drop sharply below thermoclines.

Language: Spanish, but English is spoken widely in tourist businesses and developed areas.

Currency: The Costa Rican colón. U.S. dollars are usually accepted in tourist areas, but you may have to accept a street exchange rate 10 to 20 colones below the official rates. Colones are needed for small purchases. Credit cards may trigger surcharges.

Health: Assume tap water is unsafe to drink and stick to bottled water. Food is generally safe if you follow standard precautions, eating only cooked food and fruits or vegetables you peel yourself.

Electricity: 110 volts, 60 cycles.

Costa Rica Tourist Board

Bill Beard's Costa Rica (SeaSpace)
Occidental Dive Vacations

Aguila de Osa
Jinetes de Osa
Pirate Cove
Drake Bay Wilderness Resort
La Paloma Lodge