M O N D A Y ,     A P R I L     1 5 T H  

Heavy rains mar the morning dive preparation

The seas were angry today my friends   (audio)

The dives were canceled after a nauseating ride
through rough seas

So, the morning was spent shopping
in Christiansted stores

Another wild palm tree in between shops

Nice globe made from different stones and rocks

View of a Christiansted street

Government House on King Street

Looking south down Church Street

Sonya makes the original "St. Croix Hook"

Donna picks up a pair of Sonya bracelets

Heading to Fort Christianvaern

Danish fort operated from 1749 through 1878

Tourists offer a the fort a salute

Hotel on the Cay is across from the fort

Looking toward the town and scuba pier

The US flag flies over the fort today

Steeple Building off Hospital Street

Many ruined buildings, perhaps from Hurricane Hugo

Lutheran Church at King & Queen Cross Street

Heading back to the dive shop on Queen Cross

Stixx Restaurant & sugar mill ruin from scuba pier

Rumrunner's meal provides a tomato/onion creature

Pass the sugar mill ruin to the brewpub

Hello, Fort Christian Brew Pub

David holds the sugar mill ruin up

View of Colony Cove Resort from broken pier

Heading to Smuggler's Cove for dinner

Carmine, Donna, Andy, Nicole, & Tommy

Tommy supervises Smuggler's Cove tequila shots

Andy and Nicole find a common interest

Their heads will hurt like my camera shutter finger

John tallies up the evening damage for Andy
see tuesday's photos