F R I D A Y ,     A P R I L     1 9 T H  

The last day of scuba finally arrives

Donna is already to go one more time

David arrives early to get a good spot on the boat

The Caravelle Hotel and Rumrunners right at the pier

Andy and Donna get their gear ready to go

Scott checks his tank pressure

Pontoon plane arrives from St. Croix

Leaving the Caravelle Hotel and pier behind

Fort Christianvaern off to the side

David relaxes before his final day of diving

David, Marsha, and Scott head out to sea

Donna, David, and Marsha pose outbound

View of the hills on the way to the dive site

Houses on the hills of St. Croix

Dive 1: Cane Bay Wall - The Pavillions, 85 feet for 32 minutes
Tough swim through strong current, see lots of animals

David does the big step out of the boat

No longer loses his hat on the plunge

Scott steps out as well

Spotted eel peaks out of the coral

French Angelfish

The daily turtle reappears

Scott pets the turtle

Bye turtle, have a nice day

Donna supervises another diver touching the turtle

Andy enjoys the peaceful feeling of diving

Dive 2: The Shack, 60 feet for 48 minutes
Find nurse shark. See turtle, lobsters, and crab

Nurse shark hiding under a ledge

Gills are opening

Duane tries to rouse the shark by grabbing its tail

Gotta give it a good yank to get her going

The nurse shark bolts out for a new hiding place

The group watches a turtle swim by below

Andy signals a sea moose sighting

Big red crab at the bottom

David finishes his final dive with a safety dive stop

Scott and Donna enjoy their slower breathing skills

Heading off to Breezez for our final vaca dinner

Andy and Donna demonstrate Moose - Knuckle

The entrance to Breezez
see saturday's photos