Thursday Mixed-C Fall 2007 Standings - November 9th, 2007  

View Fall Wednesday Night Standings

    Team                   W   L      %     Captain	            Phone
Thunderbears (2)           8   0   1.000    Barry Brewer            281-685-4602
Screwballers (7)           7   1    .875    Bill Easton             281-532-1641
Softball Superheros (6)    5   3    .571    Jason Giles             832-721-0559
Loaded Bats (3)            4   4    .500    Sean Cupitt             281-226-4166
Ga-Goozsh (1)              3   5    .375    Chris Edwards           832-563-5420
More Cowbell (4)           3   5    .375    David Greif             281-212-6355
Knuckleballers (5)         2   6    .250    Kurt Clowers            832-284-4057
Team MRI (8)               0   8    .000    Jaumarro Cuffee-Harris  832-689-9479

Weekly Standings          9/20   9/27  10/04  10/11  10/18  10/25  11/01  11/08
1) Ga-Goozsh              0-1    0-2    1-2    2-2    3-2    3-3    3-4    3-5
2) Thunderbear            1-0    2-0    3-0    4-0    5-0    6-0    7-0    8-0
3) Loaded Bats            1-0    2-0    2-1    2-2    2-3    3-3    3-4    4-4 
4) More Cowbell           0-1    1-1    2-1    2-2    2-3    2-4    3-4    3-5
5) Knuckleballers         0-1    0-2    0-3    1-3    1-4    1-5    1-6    2-6
6) Softball Superhereos   1-0    1-1    1-2    1-3    2-3    3-3    4-3    5-3
7) Screwballers           1-0    2-0    3-0    4-0    5-0    6-0    7-0    7-1
8) Team MRI               0-1    0-2    0-3    0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7    0-8

Weekly Winners            9/20   9/27  10/04  10/11  10/18  10/25  11/01  11/08
                    6pm  W7-5   W3-5    5-2W  W7-3    8-2W  W6-8   W4-8   W5-4
                    7pm  W3-8    8-7W   8-1W   4-1W  W1-5   W2-4   W7-1   W2-7
                    8pm   4-6W   6-4W   6-7W  W5-8   W7-4    1-3W   3-2W   1-6W
                    9pm  W2-1    1-2W  W4-3   W2-6    3-6W   5-7W  W6-5    8-3W

Home Team, listed on the right side of Weekly Winners, is (15-17) for the season.

Three Rainouts in a row to start the season: 8/30, 9/06, and 9/13