Wednesday Mixed-C Summer 2006 Standings - August 3rd, 2006  

    Team            W   L     %     Captain	          Phone
Scrappers (6)       7***0  1.000    Viccie Biondo       281.992.5458
More Cowbell (7)    7   1   .875    David Greif         281.212.6355
Space Monkeys (3)   4   4   .500    Greg Mattes         281.483.0158
Brew Crew (2)       4***3   .571    Andrew Brodbeck     281.244.1367
Mixed Up (4)        4   4   .500    Jeffrey Musler      281.483.0720
Big Ballaz (5)      3   5   .375    Amy Seacat          281.300.8440
N'Gators (8)        2   6   .250    Patrick Zimmerman   281.282.3544
Dodgeball (1)       0   8   .000    Stacey Kelly        281.557.2505

Weekly Standings   5/24   6/07   6/14   6/28   7/12   7/19   7/19   8/02
1) Dodgeball       0-1    0-2    0-3    0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7    0-8 
2) Brew Crew       1-0    1-1    1-2    2-2    3-2    3-3    4-3    X-X 
3) Space Monkey    0-1    1-1    2-1    2-2    3-2    3-3    4-3    4-4 
4) Mixed Up        1-0    2-0    3-0    3-1    3-2    3-3    3-4    4-4 
5) Big Ballaz      0-1    0-2    1-2    1-3    1-4    1-4    2-5    3-5 
6) Scrappers       1-0    2-0    3-0    4-0    5-0    6-0    7-0    X-X 
7) More Cowbell    1-0    2-0    2-1    3-1    4-1    5-1    6-1    7-1 
8) N'Gators        0-1    0-2    0-3    1-3    1-4    1-5    2-5    2-6 

Weekly Winners     5/24   6/07   6/14   6/28   7/12   7/19   7/19   8/02
           6pm     1-2W   5-7W   8-5W   3-8W   1-2W  W6-3    4-5W   1-5W
           7pm    W7-8    2-4W   7-6W  W6-1    5-6W   4-6W  W3-5    3-7W
           8pm     3-4W   1-3W  W3-2    5-2W  W3-4    2-7W  W8-1    8-4W
           9pm     5-6W  W6-8   W4-1   W7-4   W7-8    8-2W   1-7W  ?6-2?

Home Team, listed on the right side of Weekly Winners, is (20-11*) for the season.

Four Rainouts on May 31st, June 21st, July 5th, & July 26th