Reduced Median for Traffic - September 2014
A third turning lane is announced and trees are removed on
April 18
Summer passes, then work finally begins on September 10th
Happy to see that some of the median will remain afterall
A week of rain begins on September 12th
Hurricane Odile batters Cabo San Lucas and then brings us rain
Rain falls for almost a full week
Standing water in the excavated median on September 17th
Water has been prevent further work for almost a week
heavy rain floods the neighborhood streets on the 18th
Water is still present on the Saturday the 20th
City determines the road was damaged and remove it on the 24th
The concrete is busted up and will be removed tomorrow
The weather has not been our friend in this process
Filling the hole on the 26th, original section near intersection undamaged
Pull over to photo the progress on return
Ground is prepared for rebar placement prior to concrete pour
Ground is ready for rebar on Saturday, September 27th
Curb broken up and ground prepared for new concrete on October 1st
Crew levels the ground and preps the boards on October 2nd
Dirt in place and ready for leveling out
Last of October 2nd, spread that dirt to prep the concrete pour
Rebar is in place on October 4th
Do need a little more board work before the concrete pour
All boards in place on October 5th
Now just await the concrete truck and men with rakes
Three days later, the concrete still hasn't arrived on October 8th
Is that rust I see on the rebar? For shame!
Concrete poured on the 9th and still drying on October 10th
Not solid enough for cars to roll over yet
New boards in place for the curb pour on October 13th
Lane still blocked off in preparation for the curb pour
Curbs poured and drying on October 15th
Lane still blocked off before the median is completed
Curbs are painted and boards removed on October 18th
Concrete complete & painted, next up, replace the median dirt
Hope dirt and plants replaced soon on October 18th
Dirt added and median complete on October 21st
Hope the plants added or grow back by the middle of spring
3 striped lanes, new left lane doesn't fire off turn light, skipped twice 1st try