Broadway Cemeteries - September 10th, 2012

Visit the seven cemeteries on Broadway bet. 43rd & 40th

Start the tour at the New Cemetery

Photo familiar last names like a grade school classmate

Hiding behind my pediatrician's last name is . . .

The cemetery's most famous resident

George Robie, Civil War Medal of Honor recipient

Elizabeth was lost in the great storm 9/08/1900

Next to the Hebrew Benevolent Society Cemetery

Where grave stones are written in Hebrew benevolently

The Dyers and Blums both have nice crypts

Isaac K. formed the Imperial Sugar Company

The Levine family all perished in the great storm

Live Long and Prosper - Spock

Next walk to Evergreen which borders Broadway

Don't find the famous Texas Ranger buried in Evergreen

Nice Mother & Father arching headstone from 1902

1.5 year Eva Payne was a pearl of a baby

Next Generation Captain Jean-Luc Pichard

The captain's Borg portions are locked in this vase

A reminder to Donna of what a bad last name could be

An overview of Evergreen before crossing over to . . .

Oleander Cemetery that also borders broadway

Garrisoned confederate soldiers who died in service

Confederate soldiers who lived after the war also here

90yr old Mama Crump joined her daughter 3 years ago

Bennison crypt door art clashes with the overall theme

G. Konig Crypt may have very distant relatives

Konig vault picture window bricked in on the back side

1882 Jordan Crypt has Jordans on record buried there

Beissner's were added to this crypt 100 years ago

The town of Temple was named after Bernard Moore

Temple brought the railroad to Texas as Chief Engineer

Honey Boo Boo's great aunt is buried in Oleander

Old City Cemetery borders Broadway and 40th Streets

The Woods were buried in 1882 and 1894

The crypt of George C. Rains 1858-1888

Reymershoffer have 2 generations buried here, last in 1985

Crypt of David Ayers, a leader during the Runaway Scrape

Ayers watched Travis' son when he went to the Alamo

126 year tombstomb in awesome shape

The Grempcyznski's are in each other's hearts still

J.P. Davie who died in 1876 invested in a very good door

Woodsman Henry Arp died 64 years before Elvis

Thomas survived the Civil War but only by 7 years

No records on J. Buzzurro Sr. but maybe on son & wife

John C. Trube, 1837-1925, left a castle at 17th & Sealy

Now to the 6th of 7 cemeteries here, Episcopal

Hall - Sec. of War for Rep. of TX, Galvestonian 1842-67

Lea killed in 1863 battle of Galveston fighing his dad

George Sealy Sr. & Jr. were big Galveston businessmen

F. Merriman was charming, generous, endearing & patriotic

S.M. Welch & A.H. Willie, forever sharing!

Mittlested (1872-1914) was a Woodman of the World

Manson buried by Willis - Whatchu talkin' bout?

Cpt. Cromer died in Galveston in 1881, only 47yrs old

To the brave men who died in the battle of Galveston

Lt. Col. Magruder was a graduate of West Point

CSA Gen. Magruder retook Galveston from the Feds

James Love served in the 1845 Annexation Convention

Love enlisted in Terry's Texas Rangers in the Civil War

Angels welcome us to the Old Catholic Cemetery

Labadie interpreted Santa Anna's surrender to Houston

Cathy's hubby got dug up and dragged over to Lakeview

Pinachio was a real boy and he was buried here

August Henck looks very familiar, not sure about the baby