Monday, May 17th

Shark cages available . . . for wimps!

View of the channel from the right side

Shot of the dive shop from the shark cages

The Phoecena was our dive boat for eight dives

But not today, the Stenella will take us on our last run

Donna waits while the dive boat is readied

David and Donna pose for Ginny, Andy skips today

Our new friends Rich and Ginny Miller from Arizona
View Dive 13 - Palace Wall

Stop once again at the fancy Nygard Cay

Donna is ready to model for the next fancy shindig

Motor past the power plant back near the dive shop

Out near the location of the shark dives

The dive shop and hotel are visible from the last dive

No way to mistake this water for Galveston Bay!
View Dive 14 - Treasure Wreck

Head back to shore with the final dive in the books


Awesome flowers at the garden side Main Hotel lobby

Wait for the bus with our shy Milwaukee friends

Andy, Donna, and Sarah climb on board for the downtown/Atlantis adventure

It is a wild ride into town

Nice church in downtown Nassau

Caribbean Maxima is called a Cefiro

Sir Milo Butler fought for majority rule

The House of Assembly with Queen Victoria statue

The legislative branch of the Bahamas

Taking a taxi across the bridge to Paradise Island

Those aren't rubber sharks, they're nurse sharks

A southern stingray swims by in an adjacent pool

Finally see a fancy drum at Atlantis

Never saw one while diving, here is another

Sea cucumber and a starfish

2 ft long hammerhead shark swims in 1 ft deep pond

Trying to get a Jaws-like fin breaking the water photo

Full view of the hammerhead shark pond

So cool, I had to take one more shot of two
hammerheads swimming by

Over to the Atlantis beach on the north side
of the island

More waves on the north side, except for today

The human pool with water fall at Atlantis Resort

We find a bar with an aquarium in the wall

Donna poses by the aquarium, which is huge

Spotted eagle ray swims by

This is the closest I've ever been to one

Andy walks through the underground aquarium

Over to the turtle pond

Turtle scratches his nose on the side of the pond

Pond full of rays contains a few mantas

David and Donna pose by a waterfall

Main structure of Atlantis beyond the fish ponds

The fish pond is full of hammerheads, nurse sharks,
and soon-to-be discovered sawfish

Donna nervously crosses the rope bridge over
the sharks

Not so bad now that David isn't shaking the bridge

View of the bar in the middle of the fish ponds

Rope bridge . . . what is that in the foreground?

There are three (3) ten foot long sawfish

Ten foot sawfish makes the rounds

Nurse shark crosses the hump

Down the stairs at the circular bar to a crab cage
and even more aquariums

David tempts the sharks from within the underwater
viewing tube

Probably a Bar Jack with margates in the back

School of yellowtail snapper and a grunt

Andy and Donna ignore the big sawfish above them

Check out the saw on that sawfish!

This sawfish has got to be ten feet long

Donna poses on the way back to the circular bar

The circular bar is pretty ornate by itself

Back topside, Donna self portrait on David's shirt

Crossing the bridge over the shark pond

The swimming pool in front Atlantis' main building

Flying Fish fountain in front of Atlantis Resort

Airplane flies over the connecting arch

Lobsters swim along the sidewalk beside the building

Three lobsters for Donna, David, and Andy

Coat & Tie restaurant inside the Atlantis main lobby

Our first real sunset of the trip at Senior Frog's

Andy and Donna digest their Senior Frog's dinner

Senor Frog keeps his booze away from Donna

Woodes Rogers (pirate who became governor)
at the British Colonial Hilton

The cannon and the bird of paradise flower blossom

Back at South Ocean, David is beat

Rich adds to the photos being viewed

Sarah brings a hippy friend she found at Nassau

No, it is just Andy letting his hair down

Just what was that fish we saw earlier today?

David & Ginny pose while the photos download
Go to Tuesday