Monday, May 17th - Dive 13
Palace Wall

Need to add the blue fish page to my fish ID book

Bright yellow coral with a french grunt underneath

Might be a blue chromis

Donna gets her photo taken by FinPhoto

Sarah gets photographed as well

The edge of the wall, over 1000 feet deep to the right

Barred Hamlet

Sarah swims by

Donna waves while David H scans for eels

Nice photo of a gray angelfish

Shy French Angelfish avoids the camera

Hard to get a perfect broadside

Better angle on the shrimp

Little fish swim above the green coral

Bottom of our dive boat in choppy seas

Hold the rope and take off your fins before
approaching the ladder

Be careful approaching the ladder in rough seas

Ginny swims back to the boat

The dive boat is this way

Safety stop for bubble head
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