M O N D A Y ,     M A Y     7 T H

Monday morning sunrise through floggy lens

Sun comes up by 5:30AM

Monday, 9AM Morning Dives

Dive 3: Eagle Ray Canyon, 60 feet for 42 minutes

Donna grins while holding the mooring line

David sports a new "Dilbert's Boss" hairdo

Spotted Eagle Ray just barely in photo range

Can't get any closer for a better shot

Divemaster draws out a Moray Eel

Donna's new "shortie" dive suit works great

Donna poses near the bottom

David's new .5mm suit deserves a Hook'em Horns

Dive 4: Victoria Canyon, 60 feet for 50 minutes

Donna is happy to be diving again

Nurse shark at the bottom of Victoria Canyon

Donna swatting jewfish away

Donna and Mark ready to board the boat

Take 6:30-9:00PM shuttle into San Pedro

Eat at Lily's - Conch Steak and Tequila Snapper

Send email at Coconet Internet Cafe

see tuesday's photos

Took 30 minutes to send two emails at Coconet Internet Bar