T U E S D A Y ,     J U L Y     1 6 T H  
Dive 7 - LaDania's Leap (North Bonaire) - Max Depth = 65ft, Duration = 49min
Crab, lobster, turtle, arrow crab (near antennas)

Another great turtle shot

Turtle mug shot

Caribbean clawless lobster
Dive 8 - Cliff (North Bonaire) - Max Depth = 50ft, Duration = 50min
See seahorse, eels, rockfish, miss wreck

Traditional seahorse to start the dive

Rockfish on the bottom doesn't fool me

Another spotted eel pops out of the coral

Nice French Angelfish

Can still see green eyes at 50 foot depth

How can I put you in a new car today?

Donna and David dive Bonaire

Trumpet fish hides in the soft coral

Donna poses in front of our building

Divi Courtyard from upstairs over front desk

Seagull squacks in David's ear

Salt piles and pink liquid basins at the Salt Plant

Boat loading pier at the Salt Plant

Donna looks for shells near the salt plant

Our four door Chevy S-10 pickup rent car

Pink crystalizer ponds at the Salt Plant

The slave huts at the south side of the island

Three foot high door on each slave hut

Slave hut views

Slave hut views

Donna on the beach beside the slave huts

Donna with the S-10 and lighthouse in the distance

Williamstoren Lighthouse

Abandoned house by the Williamstoren Lighthouse

Beach by the lighthouse

A wild donkey approaches our stopped car

The donkey is looking for a handout

Impressive cactus tree
Dive 9 - Town Pier Night Dive - Max Depth = 33ft, Duration = 59min
See orange cup coral, eels, squid, 4ft lobster, too many divers present

Nice Spotted Drum

First ever night dive squid!

Snake eel

Snake eel on pier support

Squid lunges for me

I barely escape with my life!

Huge four foot lobster

Divemaster Pepe plays with a puffer fish

Sea anemone

Orange cup coral blossoms at night
see wednesday's photos