W E D N E S D A Y ,     J U L Y     1 7 T H  

Klein Bonaire on right and Kralendijk in background

Donna relaxes during surface interval before second dive
Dive 10 - Rockpile (Klein Bonaire South) - Max Depth = 70ft, Duration = 49min
See cowfish, filefish, and anemones

Donna smiles for the camera

Black Durgeon Fish

Honeycomb Cowfish

Filefish - thought it was a trigger fish

Sea anemone

David tries to get his photo in the Alcalde

Ken and Carla pose before the second dive

Isn't the surface interval over yet?

Tish and friend are ready to dive!

Captain Don's Habitat boat goes by
Dive 11 - Sampler (Klein Bonaire North) - Max Depth = 56ft, Duration = 46min
See huge school of blue fish, peacock flounder, damsel fish, pick up beercan

Huge school of blue fish

David poses with school of blue fish in background

Scrawled filefish

Peacock Flounder

Approaching the Divi dive shop

Divi Flamingo view from the Sea Gypsy

Stop on the seaside roadway to north Bonaire

Donna investigates eroded rock high above the water level

Plenty of this cactus found living in the rock

David poses with his 5speed rent truck

View overlooking Lake Gotomeer

Entrance to Bonaire's National Park

Lizard on a rock at Slagbaai Park entrance

Cactus bigtime at Washington Slagbaai

Rocky shoreline at Shaw

Looking south at Shaw

Watta is the Bonaire epicurean word for Iguana

Dive gear shack sunset

Divi Flamingo Resort at sunset

Dive pier sunset

More Dive pier sunset
see thursday's photos