T H U R S D A Y ,     J U L Y     1 8 T H  
Dive 12 - Hilma Hooker (South Bonaire) - Max Depth = 89ft, Duration = 31min
Wreck of Williams Express - Panama, contraband name was Hilma Hooker
Thought wreck was deeper than 100 feet so camera was not taken
Dive 13 - Something Special (North Bonaire) - Max Depth = 60ft, Duration = 54min
See tires & trash, eels, turtle, and fish w/parasite on face

Nice reef with butterfly fish

Divemaster Lutty shows a fish that I miss

Sand Diver

Donna safety stops in shallow water under the boat

So does David

Donna readies to take off her fins for boarding

Donna relaxes as the boat heads north for second dive

We enter the Slagbaai at 1pm

First stop in Slagbaai, Playa Chikitu

Playa must mean beach

Donna scopes out Playa Chikitu

Waves crash at Playa Chikitu

More Slagbaai Playa Chikitu

Here is Boka Chikitu, see the difference?

More Boka for Donna

Cliffs by Suplado' (Blow Hole)

Suplado' Blow Hole ready to blow

Suplado' Blow Hole blows!

Ten minutes later I finally get a good shot

David knows a good Blow Hole when he sees one

Ready . . . ready . . .

Pppfffflllluuuusssshhhhh !

Kara Kora' face shaped rock formation.   Really!

Donna at Boko Kokolishi

Boko Kokolishi

Seru Bentana (Bentana means Window)

Seru Bentana

North side lighthouse near Malmok

Yellow bird at Pos Mangel

Big iguana at Pos Mangel

Big iguana #2 at Pos Mangel

The long road to Malmok

Desert island driving in Slagbaai

Malmok is the northern most point of the island

Malmok Research Center in ruins

Beach at Playa Benge'

Donna at Playa Benge'

David at Playa Benge'

Awesome cactus on the way to Boka Slagbaai

The winding road to Boka Slagbaai

Flamingos at Boka Slagbaii

More flamingos at Boka Slagbaii

Yet even more flamingos at Boka Slagbaii

Did you know there were flamingos at Boka Slagbaai?

Cactus fence on the way back to Rincon
Dive 14 - Kalabas Reef Night Dive - Max Depth = 33ft, Duration = 30min
First unassisted night shore dive, spagetti anemones, loud catamaran pulls overhead

Arrow Crab

Spagetti Anemone
see friday's photos