S U N D A Y ,     F E B R U A R Y     1 6 T H

> > > Ski the moguls of Caribbean Sand Chute!

Dive 7 - Caribbean Sand Chute
Max Depth = 81ft, Duration = 45min
See parasite on fish,
lobster, big puffer,
nice yellow coral

There's a tick on the squirrel fish!

Nice caribbean lobster

David poses with coral below the camera's gaze

On to the next dive site

Only Celebrity Cruises anchor on Sunday

Next site just past the Sunset House

Armchair Reef is a good spot to look for eel

Dive 8 - Armchair Reef
Max Depth = 61ft, Duration = 51min
Look for eel, find tarpon,
see turtle rise for air,

Gathering of meter long tarpon below a ledge

Our room is on the corner

View of the pool wall and "My Bar"

Lounge chairs near the shore dive entry point

Only swam in this saltwater pool

Seaharvest Restaurant's outdoor patio

Hanging out before the featured dive of the week

Donna poses by the pool we never entered

Heading to the bus bound for Stingray City

The way to the morning dive boats

Sunset House grand entry

Departing for Stingray City

Our boat to the North Sound

30 minute trip to the top of North Sound

Jaimey chops wahoo for stingray bait
> > > Ready for the best dive of the week!

Dive 9 - Stingray City
Max Depth = 14ft, Duration = 44min
Tease 3 rays w/wahoo,
Psycho the green moray eel
swims between us

Donna steers a stingray into a 15 degree bank

O L E '

Whoa!   Down girl!

H E L P !

You want anchovies on your pizza?

Wouldn't you like to know what's in my hand?

It smells mighty fine don't it?

I smell wahoo !

Back off sister!

Donna whips off her cape

The weight of which knocks David down

Whoa!   Who is in the food pouch?

Stop eating all of our stingray bait

Psycho the moray eel looks for more freebies

Wait, there is more wahoo in this direction

David has a whole fist full of wahoo

David pulls his hand up in time!

Heading back home

The Alaska has seen better days . . .

. . . much better days!

A christmas tree with room for ornaments

The mooring and bus await our arrival

David's 4mm suit prevented all stingray hickeys!

Ahhh, another sunset

I'll drink to that, with Stingray beer, of course

A twilight arrival

Thank you for maintaining altitude

Pirates Diet: Lobster, shrimp, and fish stirfry

Filet with peppercorn sauce, nice

see monday's photos